Humble Assertiveness
March 30, 2020 - Half Moon Bay, CA

To push forward, withouth being abrasive. Without saying too much, your message is fully conveyed and the value proposition is crystal clear. The "ask" doesn't even have to happen, it's already baked into the discussion.

Elegant Context
March 22, 2020 - Half Moon Bay, CA

If you don't create context for yourself, someone else will. It's so easy to forget that we control our own lives. Why? Is it possible to create elegant context for yourself, and those around you? Context that helps you maintain a minimalist, yet maximally fulfilling life.

Is Prevention the Key Theme to Living an Organized, Clean and Healthy Life?
May 7, 2019 - Half Moon Bay, CA

Why is it that sometimes we let things reach a deep state of disorder, when we could have kept them perfect with the tinieist amount of preventative care? The house becomes such a mess that you spend an entire day cleaning, and yet you feel like it's still not up to par. Your landscaping becomes so overgrown with weeds that you end up filling an entire garbage can with them. Or, your fitness endurance levels hit such a low-point that you can't even gather the motivation on a perfect Saturday morning to go out for a run.

Just Do It
June 29, 2017 - Half Moon Bay, CA

It pays to figure stuff out on your own. Details become clear, time is saved in the long-term and new ideas rush to mind. Understanding time is finite, priorities matter. Yet, figuring something out may only be one click away!

The Power of Examples
June 21, 2017 - San Francisco, CA

It's amazing at how fast a real-world example, customer story or motivating hypothetical can ground truth.

Great Design x Education x Code = Internet Sensations
June 14, 2017 - San Francisco, CA

It's amazing to think about the volume of information on the internet, yet there's so much opportunity for more; especially when it comes to education on complex/subtle topics. For example, baseball pitches, coffee, or learning python. The next time you catch yourself searching...and searching...and searching – keep searching. But, if after that final search you're still in the dark, a decision needs to be made – to create or not to create.